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Writer's picturethermanrussell

Who the heck is this guy?!

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

I’m the husband of an angel, and the father of four further gifts from God. As an African-American, born and raised in the mean streets of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; I had to rise up from the adversity I faced everyday; being surrounded by deprivation, gang violence and broken families. My mother (a single mom of ten children) possessed strong Christian values, faith, character and an admirable sense of pride; therefore, I learned at an early age how to be “in” the ghetto, but not “of” the ghetto.

I’m a singer, songwriter, producer and self taught guitarist. I started singing before I could speak and started playing guitar at the age of eleven. At the age of twelve, I was baptised (by choice) into the Christian faith. At a young age, choosing music instead of violence, I put together a dynamic and talented nine piece band (complete with horn section), and gained popularity and respect in the community by demonstrating that you could do well and achieve great things in spite of your environment; I haven't looked back since. My life experiences has coloured my guitar playing with emotion, passion, attitude and expression. It is in fact, an extension of my character; a character which is truly embedded in Christ.

I moved to England in 1979 at the age of 23. I’ve resided here in the U.K. ever since; hence the spelling differences with some words, so keep your shirt on. Being referred to by many as extremely gifted; it was inevitable that my first Christian ministry would be music director/praise and worship leader. After serving in this capacity in churches (both in the States and the U.K.) for many years; in 2012, God called me (along with my family) out of church ministry, where we found too often the gospel of grace being mixed with condemnation.

For eight years, God has kept me isolated from public ministry, so that (without distractions) He may pour into me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His Word, that I may better understand the gospel of grace which I of course shared with my family, friends and neighbours. Two years into what would end up being eight years of quite isolation, God instructed me to start a church. This was something I never, ever, considered doing...ever! However, God is able to see in us what we aren’t even able to see in ourselves. I had no desire to be a pastor so if I were to be obedient to God’s calling, it meant I would have to completely rely on Him for wisdom, understanding and guidance; God is not only wise, He has a since of humour! My church, “Now I See Ministries” (a work in progress) and my new book, “Therman Sermons - Illuminating The Darkness” are the culmination of eight years of pressing into God for wisdom, knowledge and revelation understanding.

During my time of pressing deeply into God, I’ve been preaching only to my family, friends and close neighbours. I understand now, that the purpose of my book (the beginning of a series) is not only my attempt to share with you what God has imparted in me; it is also the tool which God is using to announce Now I See Ministries to the world.

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